Repentance unto life requires you to turn away from your wickedness unto God, seeking His mercy through Jesus Christ.
Jesus' successful attack on Satan warns you that Jesus is stronger and only His kingdom will stand.
The straightforward truth of the gospel is that you must only believe in Christ to be saved by God and escape His wrath and curse.
When teaching us to pray, our Lord calls us to be shamelessly bold in our asking and to be trusting our heavenly Father's good answer.
When Christ's church is faithful, she proclaims faith and repentance as the only hope to escape God's just wrath and curse.
When teaching us to pray, our Lord calls us to seek God as the Father who provides for all our needs for body and soul.
The coming of Christ in judgement means you need to heed the call to come to Christ now to receive life and escape death.
Give thanks to the LORD for His redeeming mercy and His wonderful work to deliver the lost.
Love must be at the heart of Christian service because it is eternally greater than all other gifts.