God requires humanity to value human life by acting justly when it is unjustly taken and by actively promoting the increase of it.
Since the beginning of time, God has set apart as holy one day per week for you to rest in Him.
Jesus Christ's coming into our world is God's fulfillment of his promise to bless all the families of the earth through Abraham.
In the midst of punishing man's first sin God shows his amazing grace by giving his first promise of salvation.
You need to understand how far you've fallen in Adam so that you can better understand the curse of sin and the blessing of grace.
Tempted to break their covenant with God, our first parents freely chose to sin against God and thus fell from their relationship with him.
At creation God established a generous covenant relationship with Adam so Adam could have fellowship with God.
God’s special creation of us in his own image tells us of our value, our purpose, and our greatest need.
God's Word begins with a clear statement of the origin of all creation and the authority over all creation.