Jesus gave His Church the Lord's Supper for you to remember His sacrifice and be strengthened in your soul until He returns.
The same gracious covenant encouragement God gave to Abraham and his household is also given to you and your household in Christ.
Baptism signs and seals our union with Christ and all the benefit and blessings that flow from Him to those who believe.
Christ has gifted us His sacraments as visible signs and seals of His invisible grace.
As with the Word, participate in the sacraments trusting God to give the increase and make them effectual for your salvation.
To know the promised blessing of God's Word for salvation, properly prepare for it, rightly receive it, and diligently do it.
God's beautiful way of working faith into human hearts by His Word should move you to diligently hear His Word.
God's work of salvation in your life requires your active work pursuing Christ using the means He has provided.
Repentance unto life requires you to turn away from your wickedness unto God, seeking His mercy through Jesus Christ.
The straightforward truth of the gospel is that you must only believe in Christ to be saved by God and escape His wrath and curse.